The admission system for new students at all undergraduate degree programs in Universitas Padjadjaran consists of three types of selection procedures, which are the National Selection (SNBP and SNBT) and university entrance selection (SMUP).
A. Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP)
Providing opportunities for high school / vocational / MA students at home and abroad (Sekolah Republik Indonesia / SRI) who have superior achievements to pursue higher education at State Universities (PTN). State Universities are universities organized by the government, including Academic Universities, Vocational Universities, and/or State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN).
Providing opportunities for state universities to get new prospective students who have high academic achievement with a minimum quota of 20% with costs borne by the government.
General Requirements
- SNBP is conducted based on the results of tracking academic achievement using report cards and students’ academic and non-academic achievements. The report cards used are as follows:
- Semester one to semester five for SMA/SMK/MA with a three-year study period; or
- Semester one to semester seven for SMK with a four-year study period.
- The academic and non-academic achievements of students assessed are the three best achievements.
- Schools that include their students in the SNBP must have a National School Identification Number (NPSN) and fill in the report cards of eligible students in the School and Student Data Base (PDSS) completely and correctly.
- Schools must have a School SNPMB Account for PDSS filling. Students must have a SNPMB Student Account for SNBP registration. School SNPMB Account registration and Student SNPMB Account registration are done in SNPMB Portal.
- Students who are eligible for selection are students who have a National Student Identification Number (NISN), have excellent achievements, and a track record of academic achievement in PDSS.
- Students who will register for SNBP are advised to read the information on the requirements of the selected study program on the intended PTN page.
- Students who have passed the 2024 SNBP, 2023 SNBP, and 2022 National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) cannot register for UTBK-SNBT 2024.
- Students who have passed the 2024 SNBP Pathway selection cannot register for the Independent Pathway selection at any PTN.
School Requirements
- SMA/SMK/MA that have an NPSN (registered school).
- Accreditation requirements for eligible student allocation:
- A accreditation: Top 40% in the school
- B accreditation: 25% best in school
- Accreditation C and others: 5% best in school
- Filling in PDSS and student data where only those who are eligible are filled in according to the provisions.
Student Enrollment Requirements
- A senior high school/vocational school student of the last class (class XII) in 2024 who has excellent achievements.
- Indonesian citizen (WNI) and has a Population Identification Number (NIK).
- Have NISN and registered in PDSS.
- Have report card grades that have been entered in PDSS.
- Must upload Portfolio for those who choose Arts & Sports study program.
- Have adequate health so as not to interfere with the smoothness of the study process.
- Have academic achievement and meet the requirements determined by each state university.
Selection Principles and Stages
Selection on the SNBP pathway is carried out based on the following principles:
- obtaining prospective students who are academically qualified by using report cards and other achievements;
- taking into account the track record of school performance;
- taking into account cross majors; and
- using national selection criteria and criteria set by each state university in a fair, accountable, and transparent manner.
Selection is carried out in the following stages:
- student applicants are selected based on the order of the first choice of study program; and
- if the student does not pass the selection in the first choice of study program, it will be included in the second choice selection.
Link SNBP:
B. Test-Based National Selection (SNBT)
- Predicting prospective students who are able to complete their studies at State Universities (PTN) properly and on time. State Universities are universities organized by the government, including Academic Universities, Vocational Universities, and/or State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN).
- Provide opportunities for prospective students to take the test flexibly by choosing the appropriate test location.
- Selecting prospective students who are predicted to be able to complete their studies at PTN well and on time based on the UTBK results and / or other criteria jointly determined by PTN
- Providing opportunities for prospective students to choose PTNs across regions.
General Requirements
- Peserta SNBT hanya diperbolehkan mengikuti UTBK 2024 sebanyak satu kali.
- Hasil UTBK 2024 hanya berlaku untuk mengikuti SNBT dan penerimaan di PTN tahun 2024.
- SNBT 2024 dilakukan berdasarkan hasil UTBK dan dapat ditambah dengan kriteria lain sesuai dengan ketentuan khusus yang ditetapkan oleh PTN yang dituju.
- Siswa yang telah dinyatakan lulus seleksi Jalur SNBP 2024, SNBP 2023 dan Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) 2022 tidak dapat mengikuti UTBK-SNBT 2024.
- Siswa yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi Jalur SNBP 2024 tidak dapat mengikuti seleksi Jalur Mandiri di PTN manapun..
- Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus melalui Jalur SNBT 2024 dan telah daftar ulang atau registrasi di PTN yang dituju tidak dapat diterima pada seleksi Jalur Mandiri di PTN manapun.
Student Requirements
- Participants must have a SNPMB Student Account. SNPMB Student Account registration can be done on the SNPMB Portal.
- Indonesian citizen (WNI) who has a Population Identification Number (NIK).
- SMA/SMK/MA students in Grade 12 or the last grade in 2024.
- Package C students in 2024 with a maximum age of 25 years (as of July 1, 2024).
- Students who do not have a diploma in points 3 and 4, must bring a certificate of grade 12 students at least accompanied by:
- identity, including name, class, NISN and NPSN;
- a recent passport photo (in color);
- signature of the school principal; and
- school seal/stamp.
- High school/vocational/equivalent graduates in 2022 and 2023
- Package C graduates in 2022 and 2023 with a maximum age of 25 years (as of July 1, 2024).
- Graduates of high school equivalent from abroad must have a diploma that has been equalized.
- Participants who choose a study program in the field of Arts and/or Sports are required to upload a portfolio.
- Have adequate health so as not to interfere with the smoothness of the study process.
- For participants with special needs who are blind must upload a Statement of Blindness.
- Pay the UTBK fee.
Test Materials
1. Scholastic Potential Test (TPS)
TPS measures cognitive abilities that are considered essential for success in formal schooling, particularly higher education. The TPS will test General Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Ability, General Knowledge and Comprehension, and Reading and Writing Comprehension. Quantitative ability will include Knowledge and Mastery of Basic Mathematics.
2. Literacy in Bahasa Indonesia and English
Measures the ability to understand, use, evaluate, reflect on various types of texts to solve problems and develop individual capacity as Indonesian citizens and global citizens in order to contribute productively to society.
3. Mathematical Reasoning
Measures the ability to think using mathematical concepts, procedures, facts, and tools to solve everyday problems in various types of contexts relevant to individuals as citizens of Indonesia and the world.
Link SNBT:
C. Padjadjaran University Admission Selection (SMUP)
Link SMUP for international students: